Sunday, October 24, 2010

October 18-22

This week we talked all about fall and these were two of our favorite books!
Tuesday we read "We're Going On a Leaf Hunt" and then Mrs. Abraham decided we should go outside to find leaves. We had some of this left over from 50's day-- so everyone got a piece!The students were looking to see if they could see any leaves that had already changed color.Someone spotted this one!
The students then sat on the hill to look at the leaves changing color across the street.And finally they searched for their very own leaf.

After going outside to find the leaves, we returned to the classroom to make leaf rubbings! The students were amazed at how it worked, and did wonderful with holding the paper still so that the rubbing was clear!
The kids love the "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a _____" books-- so we read about the bat!
The kids did great using scissors to cut out their handprints to make the wings for their bat.

Friday we read a book about spiders and then made oreo cookie spiders!

Don't forget that this coming week is Red Ribbon Week! Wear your cap on Monday!

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