Penguins are funny little birds that the students had a wonderful time learning about. This week we used the tree map and brainstormed what penguins can, have, and are. After reading lots of non-fiction books, the students did great with this!This was the finished product!
We also made a penguin craft and then added the life cycle of a penguin on a little book glued to his belly.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Snowmen & Snow Globes
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Gingerbread Boy and Girl
The Monday before we got out for Christmas break, we wrapped up our study of many, many different gingerbread books. We had plans to make our own gingerbread boy and gingerbread girl, but it didn’t work out quite like we had planned!
The dough was rolled outthen we used different types of candy to decorate them
We were so glad that Mrs. Moran’s daughter was at school with us that day because Mrs. Abraham was struggling to get the Gingerbread girl to look like a gingerbread girl!
Here they are before we put them in the oven!
The students were so excited to go get the gingerbread boy and girl out of the oven.
EEEEEkkkkkkk- when we got to the cafeteria- the gingerbread boy and girl had leaped out of the oven and left us clues all over the school. We had to go on a hunt to find them.
We finally found them under the Christmas tree in Ms. Peck’s room!
This is what they looked like after they were baked and ran all over the school.
November Pictures
The students are loving all of the foldables that we are using in our small groups!During math we did many different activities comparing numbers and amounts.
Since it’s fall, we have been reading books about pumpkins.
We carved a pumpkin and then did a writing activity using descriptive words. Many of the students did not like the feeling of the pumpkin guts.
10 frame activities
Tally mark activity to see who eats turkey on Thanksgiving
Making noodle necklaces for our pow-wow.
Thanksgiving Story Bracelet
Thanksgiving Pow Wow