This is a school year with lots of changes in the VWSD. With so many changes, it’s difficult many days to remember to take photos of your darling children to put on the blog. This is two weeks together- for the simple fact that not too many pictures were taken during this two week period.
R show and tell
rabbits, ribbons, rockets, racecars, remotes, and Reece’s
Cooler temperatures have allowed us to have some instructional time outside. The students work really hard when we are outside- and always stay fully engaged.
Here we are practicing writing numbers.
The infamous teddy bear picnic baskets. This is also the first day that the students use scissors. With lots of direct and explicit instruction, the picnic bags turned out precious!
Kindergarten is the perfect place to develop language skills. Public speaking and talking to a group are important to practice. The students stood up and introduced their teddy bear to the class and we called it the Teddy bear meet and greet.
The picnic bags were all ready to go!
So were the children and their bears.

Great fun was had by all!